Our Courses
Imagine the following scenario: You're a student in middle school who's enrolling for classes. You have a keen interest in biochemistry, but the school mandates that you take physics to "complete credits". At this point in time, an extrinsic force is pushing you to do something you aren't passionate about. We believe this is the first flaw to the current education system. In fact, this system is largely unrepresentative of the workforce because we, indeed, specialize and study what we love—not what we "have to do". At YSA, we completely align with this perspective in that we give our students "free will" in pursuing a course of study that they're passionate about. We offer a plethora of subjects including chemistry, biology, mathematics, computer science, and physics. We've had students who've taken ALL the subjects and have handled all the concepts well. Remember—it's all up to YOU!
As YSA expanded to an international audience, we began to notice that a language barrier existed amongst some students. It was at this point that we decided that our lectures must be given in several languages. We are actively pursuing this goal to ensure that several languages are encompassed.
Don't know the language?—Not a problem!
Mathematics is the language that connects us to the universe and helps us understand it. From counting cash at the grocery store to sending rockets to Mars, math is important. Through YSA’s math course, explore the various fields within mathematics. The course mainly focuses on algebra and geometry. Basic probability and number theory are also covered within this course. The course is recommended for students from grades 6-9. The prerequisite is a basic understanding of one variable algebra. (algebra 1)
Biology is the science of observing, understanding, and benefitting life all around us. This course is based on conceptual understanding and introduces students to all levels of biology. A scale based course, students will first learn molecular biology and then move to the evolution and ecosystems near the end. Important concepts such as metabolism, genetics, and anatomy are all covered. This course is best suited for moderate to intro difficulty levels (Grades 7-9). Prerequisites are a basic understanding of chemistry.

In simple terms, chemistry is the study of the composition of all the things around us. Chemistry encompasses everything that ranges from the pencil we use to write to the medication we take when we have a cold. In YSA chemistry, we aim to bring the complicated concepts that most 10th and 11th graders learn down to a middle school level. Many people fear chemistry, but when it is taught right, it will be the most interesting and engaging subject. In this course, we will take a deep dive into the atomic structures of various substances. In essence, we will learn how the smallest unit of all living things plays a major role in our everyday lives.

Computer Science
Computer science involves developing algorithms and programs for a computational system to carry out. In this beginner course, students will become familiar with the powerful programming language Python by learning the syntax and important programming logic. By the end of this course, students will have improved critical thinking skills and an understanding of why computer science skills are so important in the industry today.